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Egg prices in stores have egg-ceded my budget and I hear farm fresh eggs are on trend right now. So where do I find them? We all know that the best farm egg suppliers are tough to find.

1. Communal Farms

If you’re on this page, you’ve already done half the work! Communal Farms makes finding farm fresh eggs quick and easy. You can search by location, type of eggs, distance, price per dozen, free-range, hormone-free, organic, and egg color. 

2. Farmers’ Markets

Farmers’ Markets are another egg-cellent place to fill your egg needs. It’s convenient and you can shop for other fresh produce at the same time. Local markets will often post a list of vendors. I like to check their social media profiles and websites to look up their farming practices beforehand. Eggs are often the first thing to sell out at markets so it might be worth your time to contact the farmer ahead of time and reserve yours. 

What should I ask when buying fresh eggs? 

  • Are the pasture-raised, caged, or free-range hens? 
  • How many hours a day do the hens spend outdoors and during what months of the year? 
  • What are they fed? 
  • Is the feed organic?
  • Are the eggs cleaned and if so, how?


If you have any go-to questions you always ask new egg farmers, please share in the comments!


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